SK CEN 169 Valaistustekniikka

Komitean tehtävänä on huolehtia Suomen osallistumisesta kansainväliseen ja eurooppalaiseen valaistustekniikan standardisoimistyöhön. Suomalaisen komitean toimialaan kuuluvat kansainvälinen komitea ISO TC 274 ja eurooppalainen komitea CEN TC 169.

ISO 274 Light and lighting

Standardization in the field of application of lighting in specific cases complementary to the work items of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) and the coordination of drafts from the CIE, in accordance with the Council Resolution 42/1999 and Council Resolution 10/1989 concerning vision, photometry and colorimetry, involving natural and man-made radiation over the UV, the visible and the IR regions of the spectrum, and application subjects covering all usage of light, indoors and outdoors, energy performance, including environmental, non-visual biological and health effects and lighting related information modelling systems.

Kansainvälisen komitean työryhmät

  • ISO/TC 274/JWG 1 Energy performance of lighting in buildings (joint working group with CIE-JTC 6
  • ISO/TC 274/JWG 4 Integrative lighting (joint working group with CIE-JTC 14)
  • ISO/TC 274/JWG 5 Lighting for work places (joint working group with CIE-JTC 15 )
  • ISO/TC 274/WG 2 Commissioning process of lighting systems 

CEN TC 169 Light and lighting


Standardization in the field of vision, photometry and colorimetry, involving natural and man-made radiation over the UV, the visible and the IR regions of the spectrum, and application subjects covering all usages of light, indoors and outdoors, including environmental and aesthetic effects.

Objectives of the CEN/TC 169

Elaboration of standards on terminology of light and lighting, lighting applications, measurement procedures, evaluation of lighting conditions and on assessment of exposure of people to optical radiation.

Eurooppalaisen komitean työryhmät

  • WG 1 Basic terms and criteria
  • WG 2 Lighting of work places
  • WG 3 Emergency lighting in buildings 
  • WG 4 Sports lighting 
  • WG 6 Tunnel lighting
  • WG 7 Photometric data for luminaires
  • WG 8 Photobiology 
  • WG 9 Energy performance of buildings 
  • WG 10 Performance of Optical Materials for Luminaires
  • WG 11 Daylight 
  • WG 12 Joint Working Group with CEN/TC 226 – Road lighting
  • WG 13 Non-visual effects of light on human beings

Komitean SK CEN 169 -alueen suomalaiset standardit


  • SFS-EN 12665:2018 Valo ja valaistus. Valaistusvaatimusten käsitteet ja perustermit

Valaistuksen energiatehokkuus

  • SFS-EN 15193-1:2017 + A1:2021:en Energy performance of buildings. Energy requirements for lighting. Part 1: Specifications, Module M9 (korvaa EN 15193:2018). Suomenkielinen versio ilmestyy 2022. 

Valaistuksen laatuvaatimukset

  • SFS-EN 12464-1:2021:en Light and lighting. Lighting of work places. Part 1: Indoor work places (korvaa SFS-EN 12464-1:2011). Suomenkielinen versio ilmestyy 2022.
  • SFS-EN 12464-2:2014:en Outdoor work places
  • SFS-EN 12193:2018:en Sports lighting
  • SFS-EN 1838:2014 Turvavalaistus


  • SFS-EN 13201:en –sarja (mm. suorituskyvyn vaatimukset, laskentamenetelmät)

Tietunnelien evakuointivalaistus

  • SFS-EN 16276:2013 Evacuation Lighting in Road Tunnels

Valotekniset mittaukset ja altistuminen optiselle säteilylle

  • SFS-EN 13032:en –sarja Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires
  • SFS-EN 14255:en –sarja Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation

Muut standardit

  • SFS-EN 16268:2013 Performance of reflecting surfaces for luminaires
  • SFS-EN 16237:2013 Classification of non-electrical sources of incoherent optical radiation
  • CEN/TR 16791:2017 Quantifying irradiance for eye-mediated non-image forming effects of light in humans
  • CEN/TS 17165:2018 Light and lighting – Lighting system design process
  • SFS-EN 17037:2018 – Daylight of buildings

Tervetuloa komiteajäseneksi

SESKOn komiteoiden työhön osallistuminen on avointa kaikille asiasta kiinnostuneille. Komitean jäsenyys avaa mahdollisuuden vaikuttaa myös kansainvälisten IEC- ja eurooppalaisten CENELEC-standardien sisältöön. Komiteajäsenyydestä peritään vuosimaksu.

Lisätietoja komitean toiminnasta

Markku Varsila
Markku Varsila
+358 44 992 5000